FWCD Libraries
The Fort Worth Country Day library program serves as an essential link between the students and faculty and their information and reading needs.
FWCD maintains two separate library facilities. The Lower School Library serves grades JK-4, and the Moncrief Library serves grades 5-12. Staffing includes three professional librarians and one full-time assistant.
The ultimate goal is to expose students to enriching subjects and enhance their abilities to achieve their dreams.
Lower School Library Resources
Library Goals
- To promote reading as a lifelong interest among students;
- To provide for the information and research needs of FWCD students;
- To support teachers by providing curricular materials;
- To prepare students for the electronic environment in the 21st century; and
- To produce information literate citizens who know how to access and evaluate information.
Libraries at FWCD
Library Resources
The FWCD Libraries house more than 30,000 book titles and 40,000 print copies. Additionally, an increasing number of library materials come in digital format, allowing students access from home as well as school. These include ebooks and audiobooks on Sora; online newspapers including The New York Times and Wall Street Journal; and online databases including Gale, EbscoHost, and JSTOR to support student research.
Accelerated Reader Program
Students in grades 3-8 participate in Accelerated Reader, which is designed to encourage reading practice and careful reading of a text. Assessment involves a computerized test on a book. Find AR books with the AR Book Finder (no password needed).
Visiting Authors
Lower and Middle School students have the opportunity to meet and interact with well-known authors and illustrators on campus each year.

Library Hours
Lower School Library
7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily during regularly scheduled library classes.
Moncrief Library
Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
During early release days, the Moncrief Library will close one hour after the last division is dismissed.
Contact the Library
Lower School Library
Phone: 817.732.7718, ext. 3625
Email: [email protected]
Moncrief Library (Middle School and Upper School)
Phone: 817.302.3200, ext. 3339
Email: [email protected]