Giving at FWCD

Giving at FWCD

Throughout its history, Fort Worth Country Day has relied on the generosity of the community in the pursuit of excellence.

Our Founding Trustees and Founding Families laid a strong foundation of support with the launch of Fort Worth’s first co-educational independent school on September 9, 1963. Their determination, dedication and vision set powerful examples that have been repeated over and over throughout the School’s more than 50-year history. Time and time again, committed stakeholders have stepped up to the plate with a shared purpose—a belief that the vision for a leading college-preparatory academic institution in this great city should become a reality. And it has.

We are grateful for the continued support of our parents, alumni, grandparents, past parents, faculty, staff and friends. It is through the unparalleled dedication of the FWCD community that our vision and mission continue to thrive today across the FWCD campus—from innovative programming and enriching faculty experiences, to first-rate athletic, academic and arts opportunities—the impact of giving to our School is profound.

The Advancement Office is dedicated to supporting Fort Worth Country Day’s mission by nurturing lifelong relationships with our alumni and families, securing financial resources through the FWCD Fund, the School’s annual fund, and promoting the School in the local and national community.

There are many ways to make a difference at Fort Worth Country Day - options that are meaningful to both you and our students. Whether you choose to support the FWCD Fund, make a gift of securities, share with us a gift in kind, make a gift in honor, memoriam or celebration of someone connected with Fort Worth Country Day, or plan to leave a gift to the School in the future, you are helping Fort Worth Country Day provide high-quality academic, arts and athletic programs that enhance students’ opportunities. Your gift represents the belief in and support of our School and its faculty—to the community and beyond—and supports our commitment to innovative programs, high-quality faculty and state-of-the-art facilities.

On behalf of the students and faculty that benefit from your support every day, thank you for your interest and commitment to Fort Worth Country Day. Together, we can make a difference.


Welcome to giving at FWCD

Sandra Tuomey
Director of Advancement

Make a Gift

Join Keystone Council!

Make FWCD one of your philanthropic priorities and become a member of this impactful group. Making monthly payments from May to June can help you reach the Keystone Council level.

Pledge Now - Pay Monthly!

Donor Levels

Capstone$20,000 - $24,999
Developer$10,000 - $19,999*
Architect$5,000 - $9,999*
Contractor$2,500 - $4,999*
Builder$2,000 - $2,499*
Groundbreaker$1 - $1,999

*Keystone Council members give a minimum of $2,000

Ways to Give at FWCD

PurposePrimary source of operating revenue for the School.
TimeframeAssessed annually.
Designation AreasTuition dollars allocated by a budget approved by the Board of Trustees.
SolicitationEnrollment contracts are emailed to families in January.
Method of GivingPaid online or by check to the Business Office.
Impact88% of the School’s operations funded by tuition.
Charitable DeductionNo
PurposeFunds educational initiatives and operational enhancements that tuition alone does not cover.
TimeframeJuly 1 through June 30
Designation AreasUnrestricted, but can be designated in one of eight areas.
SolicitationSolicits contributions with the help of volunteers through direct mail, email, text and phone calls.
Method of GivingGifts made each fiscal year by cash, check, credit card or stock transfer.
ImpactMakes a difference in the life of current students, faculty and staff by providing necessary resources that would otherwise not be possible without support. $1 million in unrestricted giving and 100% parent participation is always the goal.
Charitable DeductionYes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations.
Supporting CAST
PurposeFunds visual and performing arts activities that otherwise would not be supported.
TimeframeJuly 1 through June 30
Designation AreasRestricted to the art programs.
SolicitationSolicits contributions with the help of volunteers through direct mail and email.
Method of GivingGifts made each fiscal year by cash, check, credit card or stock transfer.
ImpactExperiences enhance students’ artistic visions, open their minds to the arts world beyond FWCD and engage them in hands on work with dynamic professionals.
Charitable DeductionYes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations.
Falcon Club
PurposeCreates school spirit, support and enthusiasm for FWCD athletics throughout the School community.
TimeframeJuly 1 through June 30
Designation AreasSupports the athletic and PE programs for JK-12 grade.
SolicitationSolicits membership throughout the school year via email, phone calls and at varsity home games.
Method of GivingMembership and merchandise paid by cash, check, credit card or billed to student accounts.
ImpactGenerates revenue to support the PE and athletic programs beyond the operational budget.
Charitable DeductionYes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations.
Parent Faculty Association
PurposeBuilds community among parents by hosting events and activities while also fundraising for the School.
TimeframeJuly 1 through June 30
Designation AreasDetermined by the PFA Executive Committee to help JK-12 students and faculty.
SolicitationSupport for events like Carnival, Pumpkin Patch, Holiday Sale, Bingo or the Spring Party are via email, phone and text.
Method of GivingSupport made by cash, check or credit card.
ImpactFunds raised by the PFA go back to FWCD in the form of gifts requested by all divisions and areas of the School.
Charitable DeductionNo
Planned Giving
PurposeAny gift that a donor includes in estate planning; allows the donor to keep more of what they have earned through their lifetime, but allows a far greater gift to FWCD in the future.
TimeframeJuly 1 through June 30
Designation AreasDesignated by the donor to support a specific area within the School.
SolicitationContact the Director of Advancement at 817.302.3223
Method of GivingDocumented bequests and other estate planning vehicles, such as life income plans.
ImpactBenefits future generations of FWCD students, and can have financial benefits to donor through annuity, etc.
Charitable DeductionYes, within the guidelines of IRS regulations.
Corporate Partners
PurposeFeed and clothe your family while giving back to FWCD!
TimeframeJuly 1 through June 30
Designation AreasAllocated to the Greatest Need area.
Method of GivingShopping via vendors like Amazon Smile, Tom Thumb or Kroger; a percent of purchase goes back to FWCD.
ImpactEvery dollar to FWCD makes a big impact in the life of the School. But shopping through our partner vendors gives back while families purchase items they need.
Charitable DeductionNo

Contact the Advancement Department

Phone: 817.302.3201

Make a Gift

Make a Gift

The FWCD Fund

The FWCD Fund

Fort Worth Country Day has an institutional commitment to the principles of diversity. In that spirit, the School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, creed, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability or national origin in admissions, the administration of its educational policies, financial aid, athletics, and other School-administered programs.