The Commitment to Serve
Fort Worth Country Day believes that service to our School, to the greater community and to humankind is a necessary component for the education of the whole student.
Only through service can one fully appreciate the many gifts that a FWCD education provides.
Leadership and service are inextricably linked. FWCD students embark on a developmental journey that weaves together the threads of service and leadership into a rich and colorful cloth of character, courage and commitment.
The goal of our program is to educate the students to the need for community service by encouraging them to participate in programs that add to the quality of life for the citizens of FWCD, Fort Worth, and beyond.

Fort Worth Country Day recognizes that both the community and the students are enriched by active involvement in service. FWCD believes it is responsible for providing opportunities, role models and support to its students to promote their active involvement in service.
The School also embraces its place in the greater Fort Worth community and acknowledges that it has a responsibility to contribute through thought and deed to the city that has been the home of the School since its founding. It is therefore the policy of FWCD to encourage and support its students in service endeavors.
FWCD actively promotes age-appropriate volunteer and service-learning opportunities in each division through multiple local charitable organizations. We also encourage our students to participate in their respective Student Councils to take the lead in these experiences.