Fort Worth Sister Cities International Youth Exchanges

Fort Worth Sister Cities International Youth Exchanges

Proposed Youth Exchanges for students in grades 9-12 are planned for March, June and July 2022 through Fort Worth Sister Cities International (FWSCI). Students may apply to be a Youth Ambassador for trips to Hungary, Italy, France, Mexico, Germany and Japan. View the Time To Travel brochure and learn more about the 2022 exchanges. Scholarship opportunities are available.

Since 1985, Fort Worth Sister Cities International has provided international youth trips and exchanges to help students develop deeper intercultural mindsets. Young minds are less constrained by ingrained patterns of thinking and exposing them to different cultures at this age can help establish strong foundations for cultural competency and build the social trust that’s crucial to creating a more peaceful world. Learn more about the various Youth Exchanges and apply today. The application deadline is Friday, October 15. 


Questions may be directed to Bill Arnold ’86, Director of the Center for International Studies. 

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Fort Worth Sister Cities International Youth Exchanges

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