FWCD Hosts Area C Latin Convention

The FWCD Latin program hosted the Texas State Junior Classical League’s Area C Convention on Saturday, March 1, bringing together 581 students who study Latin, ancient Greek, and the ancient Mediterranean world from 25 schools across the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and Waco for a day of competition and camaraderie. The event also welcomed over 70 teachers and volunteers, including faculty from three area universities, to support and encourage students. The event embodied FWCD’s purpose statement: “ … to inspire the passion to learn, the courage to lead, and the commitment to serve.”
The Commitment to Serve
More than 50 FWCD students helped with registration, setup and breakdown, photography, event logistics and officiating games. Not to be outdone by the students, over 50 parents, faculty and staff gave their time, assisting with registration, lunch service, contest judging, and general event supervision. FWCD parents Monica Wood and Charmaine Lobo, played a key role in organizing the volunteers and concessions.
“Our students are truly impressive as volunteers,” said Middle School Latin Teacher Clint Hagen. “They were cheerful, flexible, and represented our school incredibly well. We are also extremely grateful to the parents, faculty and staff who gave up their time on a Saturday to help with this event. Most especially, I want to thank Middle School Science Teacher Victoria Bergman, who has been helping organize this from the beginning. Her help, along with the dynamic duo of Monica and Charmaine, made this convention so much easier for Bryan Carlson [Upper School Latin Teacher] and me to host. The schools who came were incredibly complimentary of the campus and our community.”
Carlson added, “This convention is very much about community. The number of FWCD students and faculty who joined in remind us of our own immediate community, but the students coming from all over the region, as well as parents, professors and alumni getting involved, reminded us of the connections we have to other communities of learners, parents and educators. This is a huge component of what JCL offers to students in schools with small elective Latin programs.”
The Courage to Lead
While adults helped with many aspects of the convention, the Junior Classical League is a student-led organization. As Area C Chair, Andrew Lobo ’26 took on the huge responsibility of leading the convention. The planning for the event began in spring 2024, with Lobo responsible for organizing student volunteers, ordering supplies and awards, helping with lunch menu planning, designing T-shirts, sending out invitations to area schools, and leading the general assemblies at the beginning and end of the day. In addition to all of the above, Lobo serves on the TSJCL Executive Board, which plans the state convention and leads the Texas delegation at the national convention, and captains the Upper School Advanced Certamen Team.
“Andrew’s dedication and thoughtful planning made the day so much easier for everyone,” said Hagen, who also serves as a State Chairperson for TSJCL. “In my years working with Latin students in the JCL, I have rarely had the chance to work with a young person as responsible, helpful and committed as Andrew.”
Reflecting on the event, Lobo said, “It was amazing to see so many people come together in the spirit of the classic. I’m grateful to the faculty, volunteers, chaperones and sponsors who made this convention possible. It was a truly memorable occasion and a wonderful day for all.”
The Passion to Learn
FWCD Latin students also competed in the day's events, demonstrating the work they have put into learning about all aspects of the Latin language and the ancient Mediterranean world. Award winners included
Middle School
Level 1/2A (Grade 7)
Emma Hodge: 3rd, Latin Derivatives
Samuel Lim: 3rd, Chess; 2nd, Latin Derivatives; 5th, Pottery
Ian Wood: 4th, Mottoes, Phrases and Abbreviations; 3rd, Roman History (Monarchy and Republic)
Level 1/2B (Grade 8)
Aaron Bagshahi: 4th, Roman History (Monarchy and Republic)
Clay Gatzke: 2nd, Greek Life and Literature
Morgan Gatzke: 2nd, Latin Vocabulary; 4th, Mythology
Harmon Hong: 1st, Latin Reading Comprehension; 5th, Latin Derivatives
Grace Kim: 5th, Roman History (Empire)
Burkley Massey: 1st, Illustrated Quotations; 2nd, Dramatic Interpretation; 3rd, Cartoons
Mars McWaters: 1st, Greek History; 3rd, Roman History (Empire)
John Todora: 3rd, Classical Art; 3rd, Roman Life
Upper School Certamen Advanced Team
Caroline Peterson ’27, Ethan Gatzke ’27, Nara Acuña-Guba ’25, Murphy Hoefer ’25, Blake Wood ’27, Andrew Lobo ’26: 2nd Place
Level 2
Ronan Acuña-Guba ’28: 5th, Greek Derivatives; 1st, Vocabulary 1st
Nat Angel ’28: 3rd, Classical Art; 3rd, Mixed Media
Riley Hudman ’28: 4th, Decathlon; 3rd, Vocabulary
Hudson Parcells ’28: 3rd, Decathlon; 1st, Latin Derivatives
Level 3
Ethan Gatzke ’27: 4th, Roman Life
Caroline Peterson ’27: 5th, Greek Life and Literature
Blake Wood ’27: 2nd, Latin Literature; 2nd, Vocabulary; 2nd, Mosaic
Level 4
Andrew Lobo ’26: 1st, Advanced Grammar; 2nd, Latin Derivatives
Level 5+
Nara Acuña-Guba ’25: 2nd, Classical Art; 4th, Reading Comprehension Poetry
Congratulations to these students on their achievements, and good luck as they prepare for the state competition in April. The convention was a success for FWCD on all fronts!