Convocation 2021

Convocation 2021
Community Event

Convocation 2021 on Wednesday, September 15, brought Falcons together in Rosacker Stadium to celebrate as a school and kick off the 2021-22 school year in style! The 20-minute program featured Joe Breedlove ’78 as emcee, performances by FWCD’s varsity and JV cheerleaders and the Upper School drumline, a message from Student Body President Joaquin Castro-Balbi ’22, and the Alma Mater performed by Middle School Choir Director Erin Ypya.

By the time Head of School Eric Lombardi stepped up to the microphone, the crowd was clearly  excited to be FWCD Together for the first time since March 6, 2020. Lombardi talked about the School’s Falcon Houses; the F, W, C and D Quads; and what the word convocation means -- an assembly of people who commemorate something, in this instance the new school year.

While Lombardi’s words were poignant, nothing could compare to what came next: a pie-eating contest pitting Division Heads Trey Blair (Lower School) and Stephen Blan (Middle School), Interim Head of Upper School Peggy Wakeland, and Lombardi against one another. Once the pie plates were filled, the “eating” began! View the Facebook video to see the outcome.


Convocation ended with a bang as the Division Heads and Lombardi declared it a “Happy New Year!” with a confetti cannon. 


View the Convocation slideshow

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Convocation 2021

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