FWCD Senior Chosen as TheatreFest Featured Performer

FWCD Senior Chosen as TheatreFest Featured Performer
News Performing Arts

Priscilla Lambis ’25 was chosen as a Featured Performer at the Texas Educational Theatre Association’s TheatreFest annual convention in Galveston September 25-28. TheatreFest is a celebration of educational theatre for performing arts educators and invited college and high school students. She is one of 15 students who will showcase her talents, and she has been invited to perform in the opening ceremonies. 

Upper School Theatre Director Siouxsie Easter nominated Lambis, who submitted an audition video of herself singing “Maybe This Time” from the musical Cabaret. “I am extremely proud of Priscilla,” Easter said. “She has something special and deserves this honor.” TheatreFest Featured Performers are considered to be the crème de la crème of high school theater talent. 

Easter, Cathy Gullo and Valorie Flaherty are the three FWCD performing arts educators attending the conference with Lambis. They will attend a variety of theatre, film-related and playwriting workshops, while Lambis will have access to college and scholarship auditions in between rehearsing for the performances. Special guest artists from around the world will also be in attendance. More than 3,000 conference participants are expected at TheatreFest.

Roshunda Jones-Koumba, who won the 2022 Excellence in Theatre Education Tony Award, is the TheatreFest keynote speaker and will work with the Featured Performers. Lambis’s “rehearsals” for the opening ceremonies have been conducted via Zoom since the student performers are from all over Texas. They will arrive a day prior to the conference to begin in-person rehearsals. 

“What is exciting about TheatreFest is that Priscilla will have the opportunity to audition for various Texas colleges and universities while she is there,” Easter said. “It is possible she will get callbacks while there as well. It’s a big deal to be part of this as a student.” 

Easter has watched Lambis grow from a quiet performer to someone who can belt out soprano and operatic notes. She started her Upper School acting career as a Dead Body in Clue! 

“It has been fun to watch Priscilla grow into her roles and gain more confidence over the years,” Easter said. “ Just a year ago, she was thinking about pursuing a science major in college. Now, she’s giving musical theatre a chance, and I can’t wait to see where her journey takes her.” 


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FWCD Senior Chosen as TheatreFest Featured Performer

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