Two Students Win the Neighborhood Play Contest

Fiona Morris ’26 and Hannah Cady ’30 were two of 33 winners for the 2025 Neighborhood Play Contest at Stage West. Their pieces will be performed at the Festival of the Kid May 3-4.
This is Morris’s third time to win the contest. Her short play, Underpaid, is about a store clerk who meets a multitude of characters while working at the checkout counter. From paying with only coupons or pennies, to customers trying to use poorly made IDs, to a certain valley girl who spits on everyone while chewing her gum, the clerk sees it all.
“I'm so proud of Fiona's play this year,” said Siouxsie Easter, Director of Upper School Theatre. “She took on comedy, a huge challenge for any writer, and came up with a creative and very funny play.”
Cady’s monologue, My Day with Bob, is about a woman who loses her husband and goes on about her day. Through all the events and descriptions of her husband, the biggest surprise is he's a balloon!
“Hannah has already made an incredible impact at FWCD with her talent, hard work and kindness,” said Cathy Gullo, Middle School Theatre Director. “She genuinely cares for her friends and our school. I can't wait to see all she accomplishes at Country Day!”