FWCD Tiny Art Gallery

Have you noticed tiny frames starting to pop up around campus? If not, you should start looking for them. In her first year at FWCD, Upper School Photography Teacher Emily Arnold created a new way to display photographs taken by Upper Schoolers. She calls it the FWCD Tiny Art Gallery.
Arnold was inspired by a course she attended over the summer called AP Institute. Hosted at TCU, she listened to Marty Loftus, an instructor from the Denver School of the Arts, where he said visual arts should be visual and encouraged the class to come up with ways to display students’ work everywhere and that resonated with Arnold.
She kept that phrase in the back of her mind and listened to parents asking how they would be able to see their child’s photographs. Then it clicked.
“I recently saw the work of Scottish Artist David Gilliver who uses macro photography of tiny figures in creative ways,” said Arnold. “Then I shared the idea with my AP class and ordered some tiny figures and frames. We printed some of their images and talked about where we could place them around campus.”
Arnold started hanging the frames around campus, but now she has the students come up with places to showcase the art.
“So far, there are 10 around the Visual Arts Center, Upper School, library and science building, but more are coming soon…”
Keep an eye out throughout the year for new tiny frames appearing around campus.