Senior Named FWSCI 2021 Youth Volunteer of the Year

Senior Named FWSCI 2021 Youth Volunteer of the Year
Senior Achievement/Awards

Reshma Niraula ’22 was honored by Fort Worth Sister Cities International (FWSCI) as the organization's Youth Volunteer of the Year in December. Since eighth grade, Niraula has been involved with Sister Cities. Her first exchange trip was to Nagaoka, Japan. Niraula is an advocate for FWSCI by taking on many leadership roles on the Fort Worth Youth International Board. 

In a social media post, the organization shared that “Reshma is the first to volunteer for any project, encourages others with her positive attitude and example, is an excellent organizer and motivator, and is always recruiting new people to be involved and looking for innovative ways we can promote our mission in the community and abroad.”

Niraula became interested in Fort Worth Sister Cities International after Stephen Blan, then Director of the Center for International Studies, presented about the organization's youth exchange trips. She was immediately captivated. She traveled to Nagaoka, Japan, as a rising freshman and fell in love with the Japanese cultures and customs, which made her more eager to participate in Sister Cities’ events and learn about their nine international cities.  Soon, she ran for a position on the Fort Worth Sister Cities Youth Board. She served as the Youth Board Secretary in 2020-21 and currently serves as its President.

"Serving on the Youth Board has allowed me to be a part of various international committees," Niraula said. "For example, I serve as the youth representative for the Guiyang, China, committee and coordinate cultural events for the public. I am currently working with the committee on our next event, where we will be learning how to make bao (Chinese dumplings) virtually for the Lunar New Year. 

"I coordinate various events throughout the months with the help of my Youth Board members. In the past, we have hosted an International Coffee House where we presented and tasted international sweets and drinks," Niraula continued. " We held a bake sale in December 2021 and raised more than $400 dollars toward scholarships for youth exchanges. Overall, serving on the Youth Board has made me aware of the cultures and traditions from all around the world. It has sparked my interest to study abroad in college and has allowed me to be a global citizen."


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Senior Named FWSCI 2021 Youth Volunteer of the Year

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